Race Division

The RMQHA Race Division is comprised of members of the association whose primary interests are in the breeding and promotion of the American Quarter Horse in sanctioned races around the country. Tanner Isaacs heads up the Race Division as Vice President and sits on the association Executive Committee.  If you have an interest in Quarter Horse Racing, we invite you to contact one of our officers or directors to gain more information on RMQHA's racing program.  News and happenings within the race division of the association and results of many of the races being held at Arapahoe Race Track are available by clicking here.

We invite you to journey out to the Arapahoe Race Track in East Aurora and experience the thrill of watching America's Horse in action.

Click below to download a printable version of the Colorado Bred Rules for Racing/Quarter Horse Division.

Colorado Bred Rules for Racing

2024 RMQHA Races - Stakes, Trials / Finals race dates


Year End Awards

Stakes Eligibility
